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电话: 022-24355003
姓名: shasha

  Shenyang Tengfei company(TFPC) was established in Shenyang in 1999. At the beginning, TFPC is the strategic agency of TPCO which is one of the world biggest producers of seamless steel pipe. In 2005, Tianjin Binhai was in an important stage of development. Tianjin Tengfei was established in Junliangcheng Industrial Park, Dongli District, Tianjin. TFPC is also the one material supplier of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and the member of “Energy Ahead”. Through more than ten years’ development, TFPC has become the supermarket-type pipe enterprise with the operation and sales of seamless pipe, production and processing, storage management, logistics and distribution. TFPC covers 2...

主要产品/业务: line pipe, fluid pipe, low-medium-high pressure boiler pipe, petroleum cracking pipe, expansion pipe

天津腾飞钢管有限公司 / 天津 / Tianjin city ,Dongli instrict,Junliangcheng (300301 ) / 电话:022-24355003


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